The far right today
by Charlie Post
Hard-right politicians and fascist street gangs pose growing threats to workers and the oppressed, argues Charlie Post, but they aren’t the same thing, and the Left needs different tactics to combat each one.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Hard-right politicians and fascist street gangs pose growing threats to workers and the oppressed, argues Charlie Post, but they aren’t the same thing, and the Left needs different tactics to combat each one.
A Review of This is Only the Beginning
by Aaron AmaralAaron Amaral reviews Michael Chessum’s book This is Only the Beginning.
Tens of thousands of activists were inspired to join socialist Bernie Sanders’ campaigns for president in 2016 and 2020. Shamus Cooke reviews Bernie’s latest book and argues that the Sanders project of shifting the Democratic Party leftward has squandered the movement in a time of crisis and need.
An opportunity for the Left
by Kirstin RobertsKirstin Roberts argues that given the stark political choice, the broad mobilization of left and movement forces in support of Brandon Johnson, and the groundwork laid over the last decade by union and social struggles in Chicago, the elections offer real opportunities for socialists committed to political independence.
Harold Washington’s 1983 campaign redux?
by Joe AllenJoe Allen sets the Chicago mayoral election in historical context and argues that the choice on offer, however stark, also reflects the political limits of the strength of the Left and our (social and trade union) movements.
A response to Left Voice
by Andy SernatingerTempest’s Andrew Sernatinger responds to a debate with Left Voice on how revolutionary socialists should relate to broad parties.
On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination and Marxism
by Grusha GilaevaGrusha Gilaeva analyzes the positions of Marx and Lenin on the national question and explains why the Left must support the anti-colonial struggle of Ukraine.
The need for political organization and community has never been more urgent
by Donna MurchIn the first of an ongoing series of personal contributions, Donna Murch shares her reasons for becoming a member of the Tempest Collective.
A four-part Tempest study series
by TempestIn his latest book, Tempest Collective member Kim Moody analyzes: the political impasse which has shaped the rise of a new socialist movement in the United States; the recurring economic … Continue Reading Breaking the Impasse
Labor needs its own politics to fight back
by Shamus CookeBy quickly raising interest rates over the summer, the Federal Reserve Board has pushed the economy toward recession. This is an attack on recent gains by the working class, argues Shamus Cooke, and workers need independent politics to fight back.