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Tempest’s articles relating to Palestine, Palestinian resistance and solidarity.

Complicit academia: Israel and the US

Keith Rosenthal reviews Towers of Ivory and Steel. Maya Wind’s new book details the active service that Israeli universities have always given to the project of settlement and the repression of Palestinian perspectives and resistance.

Ode to an encampment

Tempest’s Sam Friedman offers this ode to faculty, students, staff and others who have camped in solidarity with Palestine.

South Africa’s case against Israel

Helen Scott explains the significance of South Africa’s genocide case against Israel and reflects on the comparison between anti-apartheid struggles in the two countries.

BDS is about justice, not antisemitism

Historian Barnaby Raine examines the myths Israel creates in order to perpetuate its occupation of Palestine – including the myth that anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

The (not so) new red scare

Dana Cloud describes the crackdown on scholars in the Cal State system as an example of the broader pattern of weaponizing the charge of “antisemitism” against faculty and students who have spoken out against the Zionist genocide in Gaza.

Campus encampments and beyond

Please join us for the upcoming virtual Tempest event next Tuesday, May 28 at 7 pm. EDT on the rise of student protests erupting on college campuses.

From student revolt to workers’ power

As California academic workers prepare to strike against repression of pro-Palestine activism, Helen Scott discusses the connection between student struggle and workers’ action.

Defend the encampments!

Julian Lin reports on the mob assault on UCLA’s pro-Palestine encampment and argues that the assailants were fascists—and the movement needs to respond with militant self-defense.

Building grocery power

Paul KD interviews three leaders of the independent New Seasons Labor Union which has organized 11 out of 20 stores in the Portland, Oregon-based natural foods chain New Seasons Market and now represents over 1000 workers.


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