Organize, yes, but how?
Review of If We Burn
by David CamfieldDavid Camfield reviews a new book by journalist Vincent Bevins surveying “mass protest explosions” around the world between 2010 and 2020.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Review of If We Burn
by David CamfieldDavid Camfield reviews a new book by journalist Vincent Bevins surveying “mass protest explosions” around the world between 2010 and 2020.
Joseph Daher explores how internationalists who support the self-determination of Palestinians should understand Hamas as historically a conservative force while maintaining solidarity with the Palestinian struggle.
A response to Dan La Botz and Stephen R. Shalom
by Sean LarsonSean Larson responds to an argument made by Dan La Botz and Stephen R. Shalom about whether and how to judge the actions taken by Hamas on October 7.
Tempest Interviews Cele Fierro
by Cele FierroTempest interviews Cele Fierro about the recent elections in Argentina and the presidential victory of far right candidate Javier Milei.
Another view
by Giselle Gerolami, Ron Lare, and Peter SolenbergerThe window for revolutionaries in the DSA is still open, if “open” means the opportunity to work with other socialists in the unions and movements, to win a layer of activists to revolutionary politics, and to advance the projects of left and revolutionary regroupment, argue Tempest members Giselle Gerolami, Ron Lare, and Peter Solenberger.
An entry into the debate with Left Voice
by Aaron AmaralAt the annual Socialism 2023 conference in Chicago, Tempest was invited to debate Left Voice over the question of revolutionaries and revolutionary organization and their relationship with efforts to build broad Left parties. This article is the entry into this debate by Tempest Collective member Aaron Amaral.
Andy Sernatinger analyzes the developments from DSA’s 2023 National Convention.
A Tempest NYC Marxism day school talk
by Natalia TylimIn this talk delivered in June 2023 at the Tempest NYC Marxism day school, Natalia Tylim explains the importance of revolutionary organization and suggests directions for Tempest today. This is the second in an ongoing series of articles from our regional Marxism schools that took place earlier this summer. It has been lightly edited for publication. The first essay by Tim Goulet focused on socialists in the labor movement.
DSA and the revolutionary Left
by Natalia TylimAhead of the Democratic Socialists of America’s 2023 Convention, Natalia Tylim assesses the state of the organization.
Perspectives on the U.S. Left, the Teamsters, and UPS
by Joe AllenTempest member Joe Allen explores the role of the Left in preparing for the potential Teamsters strike this summer.