For revolutionaries, the period must be defined by the international fight against the far right
by Thomas Hummel
Thomas Hummel describes how the rise of the far right defines the tasks of socialists today.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Thomas Hummel describes how the rise of the far right defines the tasks of socialists today.
Building working-class solidarity in Trump’s U.S.
by Tempest National CommitteeThe Tempest National Committee argues that struggles against oppression are an essential part of class struggle and charts a political alternative that rejects the dead-end of class reductionism.
Assessing DSA’s membership figures, 2020-2024
by Andy SernatingerAndy Sernatinger looks at the numbers and diagnoses DSA’s rise and slide.
Sarang Narasimhaiah calls for a break with the deeply ingrained but unacknowledged principles and protocols of liberalism and the organization of an independent left alternative.
A diagnosis
by John LangJohn Lang explores what it means to engage in wishful thinking about political change.
Report on a post-election meeting
by Geoff GuyOn November 17, 80-90 activists joined Tempest members in Chicago for a vibrant discussion about organizing after the presidential election.
Socialists and the 2024 elections – A reply to Max Elbaum
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith responds to Max Elbaum’s overheated polemic on the question of strategy for socialists in the 2024 elections.
For a broad party of the left
by Tom HarrisonTom Harrison makes the case for a broad party of the Left and for Tempest to carry this argument in its political work within the movements.
Annabelle Guptill and Natalia Tylim argue for the importance of the upcoming Socialism 2024 Conference in Chicago.
Chaos, conflict, and a creeping constitutional crisis
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith discusses the U.S. presidential election and the limitations of lesser-evilism.