Bangladesh in revolution
Interview with Nagesh Rao
by David Whitehouse and Aaron AmaralNagesh Rao speaks about the movement that overthrew Sheikh Hasina and the openings it has created to reshape life in Bangladesh.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Interview with Nagesh Rao
by David Whitehouse and Aaron AmaralNagesh Rao speaks about the movement that overthrew Sheikh Hasina and the openings it has created to reshape life in Bangladesh.
Review of If We Burn
by David CamfieldDavid Camfield reviews a new book by journalist Vincent Bevins surveying “mass protest explosions” around the world between 2010 and 2020.
A talk from Socialism 2023
by Shireen Akram-BosharIn this talk delivered last September at the Socialism Conference, Tempest member Shireen Akram-Boshar describes how multiple global crises and revolts signal rising popular rage against the neoliberal capitalist order. Because neoliberalism has eviscerated resources for care and social reproduction, feminist insurgency is especially important.
Making use of Marxist history and theory
by Paul Le BlancPaul Le Blanc reviews Marxist theory and history and concludes that revolutionaries today need to defend the current resistance to the Russian invasion including its right to seek arms.
An Interview with author David Camfield
by Ricardo Gabriel and Nevena Pilipović-WenglerTempest members Ricardo Gabriel and Nevena Pilipović-Wenglerinterviewed David Camfield about his newest book, Future on Fire: Capitalism and the Politics of Climate Change.
In defense of revolution
by TempestAnnouncing a Tempest Collective event on Sunday, April 23 at 2 pm featuring Tempest Collective member brian bean on smashing the state.
A review of A Rebel’s Guide to Walter Rodney
by Anyanwu LTempest’s Anyanwu L. reviews A Rebel’s Guide to Walter Rodney by Chinedu Chukwudinma.
Any responsible approach to overcoming capitalism, argues brian bean, must grapple with the need to dismantle the capitalist state and replace it with our own democratic institutions from below.
A response to Left Voice
by Andy SernatingerTempest’s Andrew Sernatinger responds to a debate with Left Voice on how revolutionary socialists should relate to broad parties.
The latest episode in a decades-long drama
by Rohini HensmanMonths of protests brought down Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa last month. Scholar-activist Rohini Hensman situates this victory as one step in a protracted struggle for democracy in Sri Lanka.