Yes, we do mean smash the state
In defense of revolution

Contemporary capitalism exploits and degrades human beings around the world, relying on the violent power of states to create profits, guarantee the functioning of markets, and cheapen labor through violence. There is no way to build a liberated future for all of us without overthrowing capitalism, and that will mean confronting and dismantling the capitalist state, its prisons, policing, borders, and military. It’s time we talk about smashing the state.
brian bean is a Chicago-based socialist activist, writer, and speaker originally from North Carolina. He is one of the founding editors of Rampant magazine and a member of the Tempest Collective. His work has been published in Jacobin, Socialist Worker, Red Flag, International Viewpoint, Bel Ahmar (بالأحمر), Spring Magazine, Green Left Weekly, Chronique de Palestine, Agency, Viento Sur, and more. See his article on this topic in Tempest.
The event will be live-streamed over Facebook with a discussion to follow on Zoom afterward. It will also be posted to our YouTube channel shortly after the event.
Register here for the event.
Featured Image credit: Nevena Pilipović-Wengler
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