Volvo truck workers on strike
A report from the picket lines
by Lee WengrafLee Wengraf reports from the picket lines in Virginia where nearly 3000 workers are on strike.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
A report from the picket lines
by Lee WengrafLee Wengraf reports from the picket lines in Virginia where nearly 3000 workers are on strike.
India’s second wave
by Swati Birla & Kuver SinhaSwati Birla and Kuver Sinha explore how the Modi government in India has shaped and compounded the extreme COVID-19 crisis there to benefit capital.
Re-learning lessons from Northern Ireland
by Sean MitchellSeán Mitchell, a socialist activist and historian from West Belfast, eloquently provides a framework for the history of sectarianism in Ireland, necessary for our understanding of these resurgent dynamics.
New direction for the end of the Hoffa era?
by Joe AllenJoe Allen reports on the upcoming 2021 Teamster Convention.
Reporting and analysis
by Andy SernatingerDemocratic Socialists of America (DSA) chapters are presently electing their delegations to the 2021 National Convention, to be held online August 1-8. In the past, a list of delegate names … Continue Reading DSA chapter delegates results
Myths and realities
by Charlie PostIn the context of an ongoing campaign to pass the PRO ACT, Charlie Post looks at important moments of labor law reform and their relationship to the broader class struggle.
A restaurant worker on reopening
by Natalia TylimRestaurant worker Natalia Tylim discusses the experience of restaurant reopening in New York City this winter before broad vaccine distribution.
Avery Wear and James Boyle discuss the massive adult education system organized by the U.S. Left in the early 20th century.
The party surrogate and socialist politics in DSA
by Andy Sernatinger & Emma Wilde BottaAndy Sernatinger and Emma Wilde Botta critique a strategy popular among leaders of Democratic Socialists of America that places socialist politics inside the Democratic Party.
Alex Schmaus and brian bean report on the first public school educators union in the U.S. to endorse boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israeli apartheid.