One year after Dobbs
The fight for reproductive justice

Last year, the Supreme Court overruled the will of the majority and overturned Roe v. Wade, unleashing states across the country to impose bans and restrictions on abortion rights. Some states have defended the right with shield laws and even enshrined in their state constitutions, but in over half the country, abortion is either banned or under severe restriction and all but inaccessible. This panel of activists will talk about these conditions, efforts to defend rights, and ideas and strategies to mount a defense and a counter-offensive to win full reproductive justice.
Kenyatta Thomas is the State Communications Strategist at Physicians for Reproductive Health, where they elevate the stories and expert voices of medical providers in the media. They began their career in comprehensive sex education advocacy with Teen Health Mississippi at 17 years old before branching out to the broader reproductive justice movement through work with Advocates for Youth, the National Network of Abortion Funds, and Reproduction. Kenyatta is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Camila Valle is an editor, writer, translator, and member of NYC for Abortion Rights and the Editorial Board of Spectre Journal. Her translation of LASTESIS’s Set Fear on Fire is out now from Verso Books.
Jenny Brown is a member of the National Women’s Liberation and assistant editor at Labor Notes. She is a co-author of the Redstockings book Women’s Liberation and National Health Care: Confronting the Myth of America and author of Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight Over Women’s Work. Her latest book is Without Apology: The Abortion Struggle Now.
Nancy Welch is Professor Emerita of English at the University of Vermont where she helped found the union representing full- and part-time faculty. Her latest book, Ten More Things About Us, a collection of stories about caregiving, is forthcoming from Black Lawrence Press. She is a member of Tempest and of the Upper Valley (Vermont and New Hampshire) Democratic Socialists of America and an activist in Upper Valley for Abortion Rights.
This event will be live-streamed over Facebook with a discussion to follow on Zoom afterward. It will also be posted to our YouTube channel shortly after the event.
Registration here for the event and the discussion afterward on Zoom.
Featured Image Credit: Ted Eytan via Flikr; modified by Tempest.
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