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Tempest’s articles relating to Palestine, Palestinian resistance and solidarity.

Solidarity with Professor Joseph Daher

Tempest joins the call for solidarity with Joseph Daher who is facing the loss of his job for his Palestine activism. We stand in full solidarity with all who are facing repression for their principled stand in opposition to the genocide in Gaza and for Palestinian liberation.

Campus policing today

University of Texas professor Karma Chávez describes a new era of campus collaboration with police.

July 9, 2024

In this poem, Joel Sronce weaves together three different soccer matches including a pickkup game at a schoolyard in Gaza during the genocide.

On Gaza and the struggle to restrain Trump

The West’s support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza has legitimized and encouraged the far right in the West itself, argues British socialist David Renton.

No Laughing Matter

Tempest member Hank Kennedy discusses the Nazi use of cartoon propaganda and draws parallels to the Zionist attack on Palestinians and Palestine solidarity activists today.

Solidarity across borders 

Jayna Ahsaf of the FreeHer VT campaign for the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls in a talk given earlier this year discusses the urgency of global struggles against state violence and incarceration from the United States to Palestine.

A year into the genocide

Tempest Collective editorial on the anniversary of October 7, the ongoing genocide in Gaza, and Isreal’s escalating war crime in Lebanon.

Rebuilding the Palestine Solidarity Movement

Brian McDougall on behalf of the Tempest Collective Palestine Solidarity Working Group reflects on debates over strategy and tactics within the Palestine Solidarity Movement.


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