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Marxist theory


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Race, black liberation, & anti-racism


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Democratic Socialists of America

DSA after the 2023 convention

The window for revolutionaries in the DSA is still open, if “open” means the opportunity to work with other socialists in the unions and movements, to win a layer of activists to revolutionary politics, and to advance the projects of left and revolutionary regroupment, argue Tempest members Giselle Gerolami, Ron Lare, and Peter Solenberger.


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Gender Identity & Queer Politics

Political economy of passing

In recognition of Transgender Day of Remembrance and Transgender Awareness Week, Eric Maroney meditates on what it means to be Black and transgender in white-supremacist, capitalist society. In spite of carceral logics and practices alongside intimately felt gender discipline, Maroney finds reason for hope in queer and abolitionist kinship.


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No Laughing Matter

Tempest member Hank Kennedy discusses the Nazi use of cartoon propaganda and draws parallels to the Zionist attack on Palestinians and Palestine solidarity activists today.


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Marxist Classics

A new era of labor revolt (1966)

In the mid-1960s, in the midst of Black urban revolt and radicalization on campuses, the U.S. working class was supposedly bought off and inactive. Worker-revolutionary Stan Weirdisagreed. In this 1966 speech, he detailed the broad stirrings of a rank and file rebellion—a revolt with roots in unbearable workplace conditions and a deep feeling that “something’s…

The ABC of national liberation movements

In the thick of the Vietnam War, Hal Draper penned a set of theses about how socialists should approach questions of imperialism, war, and national liberation. With a new introduction by Sam Farber.


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