Campus policing today
An interview with Karma Chávez on the University of Texas
by Karma Chávez and Dana CloudUniversity of Texas professor Karma Chávez describes a new era of campus collaboration with police.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
An interview with Karma Chávez on the University of Texas
by Karma Chávez and Dana CloudUniversity of Texas professor Karma Chávez describes a new era of campus collaboration with police.
Campus activism enters a period of uncertainty as the opposition closes ranks and repression is ratcheted up
by BC HamiltonBC Hamilton reports on the repression of pro-Palestine activism at NYU.
Reflections on the Zionist assault at UCLA
by Julian YinJulian Lin reports on the mob assault on UCLA’s pro-Palestine encampment and argues that the assailants were fascists—and the movement needs to respond with militant self-defense.
An interview with a Yale student organizer
by TempestTempest interviews Elisa Miah, a student organizer for Palestine on the campus occupation by Yale students inspired by the Columbia University encampments to demand Yale divest from arms manufacturing.