Resisting the shock doctrine
Ukraine, debt, and reconstruction
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith chairs an event with Yuliya Yurchenko, Eric Toussaint, and Sushovan Dhar on the global movement against neoliberalism, debt, and the struggle in Ukraine.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Ukraine, debt, and reconstruction
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith chairs an event with Yuliya Yurchenko, Eric Toussaint, and Sushovan Dhar on the global movement against neoliberalism, debt, and the struggle in Ukraine.
Howie Hawkins critically assesses a recent New York Times “anti-war” ad.
Readers’ Views
by John LawrenceTempest reader John Lawrence writes in support of amendments to DSA convention proposals on internationalism and Ukraine solidarity.
An Interview with Ukrainian socialist Vladyslav Starodubstev
by Ashley Smith and Vladyslav StarodubstevAshley Smith of the Tempest Collective interviews Vladyslav Starodubstev on the one-year anniversary of the war about the struggle for internationalist solidarity in Ukraine and Palestine.
Russian socialists on the invasion of Ukraine and the delusions of Western “pacifists”
by Émigré Branch of the Russian Socialist MovementA statement by the Émigré Branch of the Russian Socialist Movement on the anniversary of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
The Russian invasion and the task of U.S. socialists
by Nate MooreNate Moore explains why U.S. based socialists should not be opposing arms to Ukraine despite the inter-imperialist dynamics unleashed by the Russian invasion.
A Critique of Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies
by Eric DraitserEric Draitser critically reviews War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict by Medea Benjamin and Nicholas Davies, which, he argues, sees the entirety of the conflict through the lens of U.S.-NATO aggression without making even a perfunctory attempt to engage with the many other critical aspects of the war.
Interview with Russian socialist, Ivan Ovsyannikov
by Ashley Smith and Ivan OvsyannikovTempest Collective member, Ashley Smith, interviews Ivan Ovsyannikov, a Russian journalist, leftist activist, and trade union organizer on the international days of protest on January 19 through 24, 2023 called against Putin’s imperialist war in Ukraine and political repression in Russia.
Call for solidarity actions with anti-war activists in Russia
by Russian Socialist MovementTempest shares the call of the Russian Socialist Movement for solidarity with Russian anti-war and anti-fascist activists.
How should socialists respond?
by TempestAn international roundtable debate on the war in Ukraine.