The logic of Trump vs. the logic of Lenin
by Paul Le Blanc
Paul LeBlanc argues that socialists must adapt Leninism to the current moment to face Trumpism’s political effectiveness.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Paul LeBlanc argues that socialists must adapt Leninism to the current moment to face Trumpism’s political effectiveness.
Chaos, conflict, and a creeping constitutional crisis
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith discusses the U.S. presidential election and the limitations of lesser-evilism.
The Biden administration’s policies have precipitated a humanitarian crisis on the U.S./ Mexico border. While it repealed some of Trump’s vicious anti-immigrant orders, the administration has maintained a closed border, expelled over 170,000 people, thrown over 19,000 children into detention centers, and pressured Mexico to bar migrants on its southern border. At an April 25 virtual event, socialists and activists discussed Biden’s betrayal of his campaign promises and what the movement must do to win migrant justice. The video of this panel is available here.
The party surrogate and socialist politics in DSA
by Andy Sernatinger & Emma Wilde BottaAndy Sernatinger and Emma Wilde Botta critique a strategy popular among leaders of Democratic Socialists of America that places socialist politics inside the Democratic Party.
On the Storming of the Capitol
by Hakan Yilmaz & Andy SernatingerHakan Yilmaz and Andy Sernatinger analyze the takeover of the US capitol by pro-Trump demonstrators on 1/6/21, explaining the growth of the far right and tasks ahead.
Tempest Collective Public Forum
by TempestThe Tempest Collective is hosting an online forum on January 24th to discuss how the Left can organize to fight the Far Right under the incoming Biden Administration.
Aaron Amaral and Scott McLemee provide a digest, with links and excerpts, of some of the best of the recent commentary about the events at the U.S. capitol on January 6, 2021.
Kit Adam Wainer argues that President Trump is in no position to steal an election or to lead a coup.
An interview with Anthony Arnove
by Phil GasperPhil Gasper interviewed Anthony Arnove about Donald Trump’s recent attack on the radical historian Howard Zinn.
A Response to Stephen R. Shalom
by Ashley Smith and Charlie PostCharlie Post and Ashley Smith respond to Stephen R. Shalom’s criticisms of their article, “The lesser evil trap.”