UFT retirees at the twilight of Shankerism
by Hakan Yilmaz
Hakan Yilmaz explains the significance of the recent defeat of the United Federation of Teachers’ Unity Caucus in the wake of its decades-long hegemony.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Hakan Yilmaz explains the significance of the recent defeat of the United Federation of Teachers’ Unity Caucus in the wake of its decades-long hegemony.
5th anniversary of the red state teachers’ rebellion, part two
by Darrin HoopIn 2018, teachers struck across the South and won significant gains for educators. In this second of two articles, Darrin Hoop interviews four rank-and-file workers about their experience and draws lessons for labor organizing today.
5th anniversary of the red state teachers’ rebellion
by Darrin HoopIn 2018, teachers struck across the South. These strikes were initiated and led by the rank-and-file in states that do not recognize collective bargaining and won significant gains for educators. In this first of two articles, Darrin Hoop interviews four rank-and-file workers about their experience and draws lessons for labor organizing today.
How to gauge an outcome
by Bill BalderstonBill Balderston assesses the challenges and victories of the Oakland educators strike.
NYC teachers should reject this deal
by Keegan O'BrienFive years ago, New York City forced its teachers to take cuts in health coverage. This year they’re offering a sub-inflation raise. Keegan O’Brien calls for a NO vote and explains how to build a fight to win more.
An interview with LA educators
by Alex SchmausAlex Schmaus interviews UTLA member Thalía Cataño and SEIU Local 99 member Rosalba Romero— both of whom work at Theodore Roosevelt High School in Los Angeles—about the successful strike in March.
Vote CORE: No steps backwards
by Joe AllenJoe Allen examines the context of the 2022 CTU elections, the impact of its leadership on Chicago politics, teacher unionism, and the trade union movement nationally, and argues for the importance of a vote for CORE.
Letter from a Minneapolis educator-activist
by Dan TroccoliIn March—less than two years after outbreak of massive protests following the police murder of George Floyd—Minneapolis teachers and educational support professionals went on strike. After two weeks out, they’d won some gains, including on racial justice demands. Educator-activist Dan Troccoli explains how they did it and how far there is to go.
Reflections on building MORE
by Peter Allen LamphereNew York City school teacher Peter Allen Lamphere explains the role of a rank and file caucus in advancing class struggles and shares some insights regarding recent socialist debates.
An eyewitness account of a return-to-school nightmare
by Keegan O'BrienNYC public school teacher, Keegan O’Brien, gives an outraged, firsthand account of the first day in one NYC school.