What’s next for the Syrian revolution?
Challenges and organizing since Assad’s fall
by TempestVideo from a Tempest Collective sponsored roundtable discussion held earlier this month on the Syrian revolution.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Challenges and organizing since Assad’s fall
by TempestVideo from a Tempest Collective sponsored roundtable discussion held earlier this month on the Syrian revolution.
Challenges and organizing since Assad’s fall
by TempestA Tempest sponsored panel: “What’s next for the Syrian revolution? Challenges and organizing since Assad’s fall”
Graphic notes for understanding the rebellion in Syria
by LizartistryLizartistry shares graphic notes on the Tempest interview with Joseph Daher about the fall of Assad and the rebellion in Syria.
An interview with Joseph Daher
by Joseph DaherTempest interviews Swiss Syrian socialist Joseph Daher about the process that led to the fall of Assad’s rule, the prospects for progressive forces, and the challenges they face in fighting for a truly liberated country that serves the interests of all its peoples and popular classes.
The fault lines of counterrevolution, authoritarianism, racism, and capitalism
by Shireen Akram-BosharOn Monday, February 6, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake (followed by another earthquake of 7.5 magnitude) struck southern Türkiye and northwest Syria in the early hours of the morning. Tempest Collective member Shireen Akram-Boshar explains that this tragedy is fundamentally political, affected by the fault lines of counterrevolution, authoritarianism, racism, and capitalism.
An open Letter signed by the Tempest Collective standing in solidarity with the Syrian people against Assad, against all the imperialist machinations which have only deepened the crisis and the humanitarian horror in that country and region.