Revolutionary defeatism, yesterday and today
by Simon Hannah
Simon Hannah reviews the varied Left positions in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and how to understand Lenin’s position of “revolutionary defeatism” in the current war.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Simon Hannah reviews the varied Left positions in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and how to understand Lenin’s position of “revolutionary defeatism” in the current war.
Jacobin’s misdirection on Bowman and DSA
by Joel ReinsteinJoel Reinstein unpacks Liza Featherstone’s recent defense of DSA’s ostensible solidarity with Palestine, and finds logical fallacies and factual mistakes.
An interview with Samuel Farber
by Kent WorcesterSince the 1960s, Cuban-born Samuel Farber has been an activist and writer with a third camp, anti-capitalist, anti-Stalinist perspective. He talked to Kent Worcester about his political development, his experiences—and his reflections on people, movements, and organizations—from his earliest years to today.
Turn majority support into mass action
by Haley Pessin & Natalia TylimEven though popular support for abortion rights stands at more than two-thirds, the Supreme Court seems dead set on overturning Roe v. Wade. Haley Pessin and Natalia Tylim look at why this majority hasn’t ruled in official politics and the kind of organizing it will take to turn things around.
A Reader’s reply: Fighting for the future!
by Linda LoewLinda Loew replies to Tempest coverage of recent abortion justice organizing and mobilizing and calls attention to an important day of action on December 1, including information for local mobilizations.
The challenges facing the left today
by Ashley SmithA lightly edited version of a 15-minute talk by Ashley Smith for the Tempest convention on international perspectives.
Reports from the abortion justice struggle
by TempestCommentary and reports on the last couple of months of abortion justice organizing.
The dilemma of the Democratic Party left
by Kim MoodyKim Moody assesses the recent U.S. election results and highlights the strategic cul-de-sac facing those sections of the Left currently oriented on the Democratic Party, while pointing to “strike-tober” and the possibilities of a resurgent labor movement, as an alternative strategic focus.
Mass struggle for revolution
by Joseph DaherJoseph Daher analyzes the current situation in Sudan after the military-backed coup last month.
Thomas Hummel explores the politics of the upcoming Buffalo mayoral election and the potential socialist mayor, India Walton.