Competing visions of the BDS Boston Mapping Project
Obscuring the map
by Naomi BennetNaomi Bennet critically unpacks the controversy over the BDS Boston Mapping Project.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Obscuring the map
by Naomi BennetNaomi Bennet critically unpacks the controversy over the BDS Boston Mapping Project.
Nancy Welch of the Tempest Collective and Upper Valley for Abortion Rights delivered these remarks on the fight to rewin abortion rights at a recent meeting of Movimiento Socialista de los Trabajadores in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A Tempest Panel
by TempestWith the large turnout and organizing energy at the Labor Notes conference last weekend, the Tempest Collective hosts a public discussion to assess the conference and talk about the challenges and opportunities facing the labor movement.
It’s time for socialist feminism
by Stephanie AttarIn the wake of the leaked SCOTUS opinion that is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, thousands have mobilized in support of the right to an abortion. Stephanie Attar argues that activists should transcend bourgeois electoral politics and organize for socialist feminism instead.
Learning from the stories of a movement
by Dana CloudIn the first of a series of articles for Pride Month, Dana Cloud writes about the history of queer liberation struggle in the United States, its socialist origins, and lessons for today’s queer politics.
Interview with Nimanthi Rajasingham
by Nagesh RaoNagesh Rao spoke to Nimanthi Rajasingham about the roots of the crisis in Sri Lanka and the nature of the protests.
A transcript from the Tempest Collective sponsored panel on May 22, 2022.
As the attacks on basic democratic rights picks up steam in the U.S., these reactionary politics have impacted Puerto Rico, where the right-wing seeks to deploy similar strategies and tactics. As a result, argues Paul Figueroa, the appeal of national independence has again started to grow across the Left in Puerto Rico.
Reports from the front
by TempestTempest follows up on our previous roundup of reports from the front, which covered protests around the country in response to the leaked draft Supreme Court decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade.
Simon Hannah reviews the varied Left positions in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and how to understand Lenin’s position of “revolutionary defeatism” in the current war.