One year after Dobbs
The fight for reproductive justice
by TempestA panel of activists discusses strategies to mount a defense and counteroffensive to win full reproductive justice including free abortion one year following the Dobbs decision.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
The fight for reproductive justice
by TempestA panel of activists discusses strategies to mount a defense and counteroffensive to win full reproductive justice including free abortion one year following the Dobbs decision.
Report on Madison reproductive justice march
by Tessa E. and Dayna LongMadison-area reproductive justice organizers Tessa E. and Dayna Long report on the Bigger Than Roe March and Rally in Madison, Wisconsin on January 22.
Jackson Women’s Health Organization and abortion justice after Roe
by Derenda HancockJackson, Mississippi abortion justice leader Derenda Hancock describes the Jackson Women’s Health Organization’s history and closure and explains why the abortion justice movement must ramp-up clinic defenses in the coming days.
Ashley Smith urges those in the fight for abortion justice to build mass opposition to the abortion ban instead of looking to the Democratic party, elections, or liberal feminist organizations.