For an end to last-gasp liberalism
by Sarang Narasimhaiah
Sarang Narasimhaiah calls for a break with the deeply ingrained but unacknowledged principles and protocols of liberalism and the organization of an independent left alternative.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Sarang Narasimhaiah calls for a break with the deeply ingrained but unacknowledged principles and protocols of liberalism and the organization of an independent left alternative.
Behind the impasse of French politics is a crisis of economic stagnation, says Romaric Godin. Since no party can win consent for austerity, he argues, French capital seems bound to seek authoritarian means to impose it.
Interview with Warren Montag by Dimitris Givisis
by Warren Montag and Dimitris GivisisWarren Montag, in this interview with Dimitris Givisis, offers global perspectives for the current capitalist conjuncture.
Education “reforms” through the neo-liberal lens
by Lois WeinerChapter two of Lois Weiner’s forthcoming book, as yet untitled, on capitalism, education, teachers’ work and teachers unions.
From the Chilean October to Boric and beyond
by Joaquín Araneda and Luis MeinersJoaquín Araneda and Luis Meiners situate the recent electoral breakthrough for the Left in Chile in both the recent insurrectionary uprising of October 2019, and the longer term processes in Chile from the Pinochet dictatorship, and the period of custodial democracy from 1990 to 2021.
The fight for the future of the University of Vermont
by Paul FleckensteinPaul Fleckenstein reports on the struggle to oppose the budget cuts and restructuring at the University of Vermont.