Labor law reform and class struggle
Myths and realities
by Charlie PostIn the context of an ongoing campaign to pass the PRO ACT, Charlie Post looks at important moments of labor law reform and their relationship to the broader class struggle.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Myths and realities
by Charlie PostIn the context of an ongoing campaign to pass the PRO ACT, Charlie Post looks at important moments of labor law reform and their relationship to the broader class struggle.
Avery Wear and James Boyle discuss the massive adult education system organized by the U.S. Left in the early 20th century.
Exploring ‘No Platform’ in history, law, and politics
by David RentonA chapter from David Renton’s forthcoming book, No free speech for fascists is excerpted, and is entitled: “Since when did the Supreme Court ever protect free speech?”
A review of “Tramps and Trade Union Travelers”
by Tim GouletTim Goulet reviews Kim Moody’s “Tramps and Trade Union Travelers: Internal Migration and Organized Labor in Gilded Age America, 1870-1900.
The (less and less) hidden history of the Michigan far right
by Hank KennedyHank Kennedy looks at the history of far right organizing in Michigan and the meaning of its recent resurgence.
A review of “Living and Dying on the Factory Floor”
by Joe AllenJoe Allen reviews David Ranney’s autobiographical account of his life as a revolutionary socialist factory worker in the 1970s and 1980s.
An interview with Anthony Arnove
by Phil GasperPhil Gasper interviewed Anthony Arnove about Donald Trump’s recent attack on the radical historian Howard Zinn.
A reply to Liza Featherstone
by brian beanbrian bean writes a response to a recent Jacobin article comparing recent DSA electoral success to Socialist Party victors in the state 100 years ago, analyzing what lessons are worth following and which not.
Does it matter what socialists think about Trotsky today?
by David CamfieldDavid Camfield writes that on the 80th anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s assassination, even as we move further from the conditions that defined the Trotskyist movement of last century, a critical appreciation of his politics remains necessary for the emerging socialist Left.