Comrade Leo Bernard, 1939-1966
by Hank Kennedy
The Left was on the rise—and under threat—in the mid-1960s. Hank Kennedy tells the story of a hometown comrade who was a target of anti-communist violence.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
The Left was on the rise—and under threat—in the mid-1960s. Hank Kennedy tells the story of a hometown comrade who was a target of anti-communist violence.
Ashley Smith urges those in the fight for abortion justice to build mass opposition to the abortion ban instead of looking to the Democratic party, elections, or liberal feminist organizations.
Tempest editorial
by Natalia TylimIn an editorial for the Tempest Collective, Natalia Tylim offers a perspective for the Left following the loss of abortion rights in the Supreme Court decision, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
Socialist community defense for queer comrades
by ChristianAs part of our ongoing series of articles for Pride Month, Christian writes about the role self-defense can play for queer people responding to the recent attacks against the LGBTQ community.
Bourgeois democracy isn’t full democracy, but British socialist David Renton argues that socialists should not be indifferent when the ruling class threatens to shed its democratic skin.
Confronting Ethnonationalist Violence
by Travis S.Travis S explains that the recent shooting of six people at a Taiwanese church was motivated by hostilities within the diaspora—hostilities fueled by four decades of U.S.-backed dictatorship in Taiwan and the more-recent promotion of virulent ethnonationalism on the mainland.
Bill V. Mullen reflects on the Ohio Senate campaign of J.D. Vance, in the aftermath of the white supremacist murders in Buffalo, and finds a through line of “Replacement Theory” and emergent fascist politics.
French elections, 2022
by Sylvestre JaffardSylvestre Jaffard analyses last month’s election results in the French presidential election, including the prospects for a rejuvenated Left challenge in the June legislative vote.
Todd Gordon puts the ongoing protest known as the “Freedom Convoy”, that started in Canada’s capital city and then spread, in its historical context with that country’s other fascist and far-right movements.
A Tempest panel discussion
by Eric MaroneyThis is a lightly edited transcript of a panel on Critical Race Theory organized by the Tempest Collective.