The Left under Brandon Johnson
Accommodation or struggle?
by brian beanbrian bean argues the need for independent organizing and struggle under Mayor Brandon Johnson in Chicago
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Accommodation or struggle?
by brian beanbrian bean argues the need for independent organizing and struggle under Mayor Brandon Johnson in Chicago
An opportunity for the Left
by Kirstin RobertsKirstin Roberts argues that given the stark political choice, the broad mobilization of left and movement forces in support of Brandon Johnson, and the groundwork laid over the last decade by union and social struggles in Chicago, the elections offer real opportunities for socialists committed to political independence.
Harold Washington’s 1983 campaign redux?
by Joe AllenJoe Allen sets the Chicago mayoral election in historical context and argues that the choice on offer, however stark, also reflects the political limits of the strength of the Left and our (social and trade union) movements.
Tax Amazon and the 25th ward elections
by Joe AllenJoe Allen reports on a tax-Amazon rally in his Chicago neighborhood of Pilsen and nearby Little Village.
Joe Allen analyzes the recent “yes” votes for Mayor Lightfoot’s Bally casino proposal as part of the narrowing horizons for the socialist alderpeople.
Vote CORE: No steps backwards
by Joe AllenJoe Allen examines the context of the 2022 CTU elections, the impact of its leadership on Chicago politics, teacher unionism, and the trade union movement nationally, and argues for the importance of a vote for CORE.
Interview with Kirstin Roberts and Dennis Kosuth
by Elizabeth LalaszTempest’s Elizabeth Lalasz interviews rank and file members of the Chicago Teachers Union about their latest showdown with Mayor Lori Lightfoot amidst the Omicron variant.
Don’t repackage crumbs as cake
by Alex Schmaus and brian beanAlex Schmaus and brian bean interview three Chicago Democratic Socialists of America members about the city council vote for an austerity budget proposed by Mayor Lori Lightfoot.