Answering the call to fight injustice
An interview with Barbara Smith
by Ashley SmithTempest’s Ashley Smith interviews groundbreaking Black feminist Barbara Smith about uprisings both present and past.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
An interview with Barbara Smith
by Ashley SmithTempest’s Ashley Smith interviews groundbreaking Black feminist Barbara Smith about uprisings both present and past.
Socialism and the anti-racist project
by Haley Pessin and Phil GasperIn this transcript of a session at Socialism 2023, Tempest’s Haley Pessin and Phil Gasper discuss how socialists should challenge the backlash against the anti-racist uprising of the 2020s and argue that it takes a combined anti-racism and anti-capitalism to mount the necessary resistance.
A transcript of a panel discussion
by Diana Fakhoury, Jesse Hagopian, Lena Jones, Emma Klein, Miriam, and Wafá SafiA transcript of Black Lives Matter and Palestine Solidarity Teach-In held in Seattle, Washington, February 1, 2024.
Review of Vortex Group’s The George Floyd Uprising
by Ben RosenfieldBen Rosenfield reviews the book The George Floyd Uprising edited by Vortex Group.
Vermont activists speak out
by TempestA panel of Vermont activists spoke out on police, prisons, and capitalism in late January. Speakers took up the need to fund social services and defund police and prisons. The event highlighted a specific reform—community control of police—that is on the local ballot in Burlington on March 7.
A Tempest Collective Statement
by TempestThe Tempest editorial board and the Tempest Collective stand in solidarity with the family and communities of Tyre Nichols, who was murdered by police on January 7, 2023.
Phillip Clark writes about the Ujima People’s Progress Party, an independent third-party led by Black workers in Baltimore, Maryland,and its ongoing initiative to get on the ballot this election cycle.
A review of Donna Murch’s Assata Taught Me
by Sudip BhattacharyaSudip Battacharya reviews Donna Murch, Assata Taught Me: State Violence, Racial Capitalism, and the Movement for Black Lives
and explores how the past informs the present.
Mara Chinelli looks back on the 2020 rebellion that followed the police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota and its reverberations across the country, including in New York City.
Fighting back after the Rittenhouse verdict
by TempestTempest Collective issues its official statement in response to the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal.