We need better than the Inflation Reduction Act
Against false solutions, for system change
by Thomas HummelThomas Hummel provides analysis of the environmental and economic impact of the Inflation Reduction Act which was signed into law last week.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Against false solutions, for system change
by Thomas HummelThomas Hummel provides analysis of the environmental and economic impact of the Inflation Reduction Act which was signed into law last week.
Labor needs its own politics to fight back
by Shamus CookeBy quickly raising interest rates over the summer, the Federal Reserve Board has pushed the economy toward recession. This is an attack on recent gains by the working class, argues Shamus Cooke, and workers need independent politics to fight back.
It’s time for socialist feminism
by Stephanie AttarIn the wake of the leaked SCOTUS opinion that is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, thousands have mobilized in support of the right to an abortion. Stephanie Attar argues that activists should transcend bourgeois electoral politics and organize for socialist feminism instead.
On Richard Trumka
by Tim GouletTim Goulet discusses the life and death of AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka.
The Biden administration’s policies have precipitated a humanitarian crisis on the U.S./ Mexico border. While it repealed some of Trump’s vicious anti-immigrant orders, the administration has maintained a closed border, expelled over 170,000 people, thrown over 19,000 children into detention centers, and pressured Mexico to bar migrants on its southern border. At an April 25 virtual event, socialists and activists discussed Biden’s betrayal of his campaign promises and what the movement must do to win migrant justice. The video of this panel is available here.
An interview with six SEA members
by Darrin HoopSeattle Education Association member Darrin Hoop interviews six other members of the union who organized to pass a resolution in solidarity with Palestine.
A restaurant worker on reopening
by Natalia TylimRestaurant worker Natalia Tylim discusses the experience of restaurant reopening in New York City this winter before broad vaccine distribution.
The party surrogate and socialist politics in DSA
by Andy Sernatinger & Emma Wilde BottaAndy Sernatinger and Emma Wilde Botta critique a strategy popular among leaders of Democratic Socialists of America that places socialist politics inside the Democratic Party.
Alex Schmaus and brian bean report on the first public school educators union in the U.S. to endorse boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israeli apartheid.
Biden’s program for rehabilitating U.S. capitalism
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith contextualizes the Biden administration program, and argues that it represents a Keynesian break from decades of neo-liberal policy. However, it is a break driven in the first instance by the imperative to rehabilitate the profitability of U.S. capitalism and U.S. imperial power.