Call for the release of detainees in Cuba
by Comunistas
The Tempest Collective joins the international call on the Cuban government to release those arrested and detained following the July 11 protests.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
The Tempest Collective joins the international call on the Cuban government to release those arrested and detained following the July 11 protests.
In the aftermath of the outpouring of Palestinian resistance to Israel’s latest escalation of its policy of slow-motion ethnic cleansing, Joseph Daher analyses the strategic alternatives for the Palestinian struggle.
India’s second wave
by Swati Birla & Kuver SinhaSwati Birla and Kuver Sinha explore how the Modi government in India has shaped and compounded the extreme COVID-19 crisis there to benefit capital.
Re-learning lessons from Northern Ireland
by Sean MitchellSeán Mitchell, a socialist activist and historian from West Belfast, eloquently provides a framework for the history of sectarianism in Ireland, necessary for our understanding of these resurgent dynamics.
Alex Schmaus and brian bean report on the first public school educators union in the U.S. to endorse boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israeli apartheid.
Biden’s program for rehabilitating U.S. capitalism
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith contextualizes the Biden administration program, and argues that it represents a Keynesian break from decades of neo-liberal policy. However, it is a break driven in the first instance by the imperative to rehabilitate the profitability of U.S. capitalism and U.S. imperial power.
A Tempest Collective statement
by brian beanOn behalf of the Tempest Collective, brian bean provides our statement of solidarity with Palestine.
Myanmar’s revolt against the coup
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith interviews activist and poet Me Me Khant on the recent coup in Myanmar, which has triggered a mass popular uprising and general strikes throughout the country.
Gilbert Achcar reflects on the tenth anniversary of the start of the Arab Spring, its lessons, and the ongoing process which continues to this day.
Joe Biden’s plan to restore U.S. hegemony
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith previews Biden’s foreign policy, arguing that what is coming is not simply a return to Obama-era multilateralism, but an attempt to deepen Trump’s focus on the great power rivalries, especially with China.