Tesla: An Appeal for an International Anti-Fascist Campaign
by Joe Allen and Bill V. Mullen
An appeal to build support for the international anti-fascist campaign directed at Tesla and its billionaire, pro-Trump, neo-Nazi owner, Elon Musk.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
An appeal to build support for the international anti-fascist campaign directed at Tesla and its billionaire, pro-Trump, neo-Nazi owner, Elon Musk.
A response to Charlie Post
by Naomi BennetNaomi Bennet responds to Charlie Post on how to understand the relationship between the electoral far right and fascist forces and what this means for threats to bourgeois democracy and the strategies for the Left.
Hard-right politicians and fascist street gangs pose growing threats to workers and the oppressed, argues Charlie Post, but they aren’t the same thing, and the Left needs different tactics to combat each one.
Lessons from Community Defense in Ohio
by Naomi Bennet and Amber BoardmanNaomi Bennet and Amber Boardman are Ohio-based socialists working to defend queer communities from fascist violence and they discuss the lessons of the past several months and the new challenges facing anti-fascists around the country.
Last September a fascist party descended from Mussolini’s movement won election in Italy—a milestone in the advance of the far right internationally. Thomas Hummel examines the Italian situation and argues that united struggle can turn the tide.
Interview with Russian socialist, Ivan Ovsyannikov
by Ashley Smith and Ivan OvsyannikovTempest Collective member, Ashley Smith, interviews Ivan Ovsyannikov, a Russian journalist, leftist activist, and trade union organizer on the international days of protest on January 19 through 24, 2023 called against Putin’s imperialist war in Ukraine and political repression in Russia.
Naomi Bennet addresses the antisemitic social media outbursts by Kanye West and Kyrie Irving and places them in the context and continuum of the wider growth of antisemitism, cultivated within ruling class and right-wing media and politics.
The idiosyncratic politics of the late comic writer
by Hank KennedyHank Kennedy remembers the life of comic book writer Alan Grant and the Left politics found in some of his most well-known works including Detective Comics, Batman, and Shadow of the Bat.
The need for political organization and community has never been more urgent
by Donna MurchIn the first of an ongoing series of personal contributions, Donna Murch shares her reasons for becoming a member of the Tempest Collective.
Socialist community defense for queer comrades
by ChristianAs part of our ongoing series of articles for Pride Month, Christian writes about the role self-defense can play for queer people responding to the recent attacks against the LGBTQ community.