Staughton Lynd (1929–2022)
In remembrance
by Erik KerlEric Kerl offers his personal reminiscence of Staughton Lynd, who died on November 17 at the age of 92. The article first ran in the Haymarket Books blog.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
In remembrance
by Erik KerlEric Kerl offers his personal reminiscence of Staughton Lynd, who died on November 17 at the age of 92. The article first ran in the Haymarket Books blog.
A review of Donna Murch’s Assata Taught Me
by Sudip BhattacharyaSudip Battacharya reviews Donna Murch, Assata Taught Me: State Violence, Racial Capitalism, and the Movement for Black Lives
and explores how the past informs the present.
A Tempest panel discussion
by Eric MaroneyThis is a lightly edited transcript of a panel on Critical Race Theory organized by the Tempest Collective.
A review of “We do this ’til we free us”
by Haley Pessin, Héctor Rivera, and P.B. RichterHaley Pessin, PB Richter, and Héctor Rivera review Mariame Kaba’s We Do This ‘Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice