Argentina: from Pink Tide to reactionary wave
Tempest Interviews Cele Fierro
by Cele FierroTempest interviews Cele Fierro about the recent elections in Argentina and the presidential victory of far right candidate Javier Milei.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Tempest Interviews Cele Fierro
by Cele FierroTempest interviews Cele Fierro about the recent elections in Argentina and the presidential victory of far right candidate Javier Milei.
Technology, ideology, and the fight for eco-socialism
by Paul Fleckenstein and Gareth DaleDegrowth identifies and critiques growth as fundamental to the capitalist system. Growth enriches property owners and the wealthy, leaving the rest of humanity behind with devastating environmental consequences. Tempest member Paul Fleckenstein interviews Gareth Dale on the politics of degrowth and the critique of the ideology of growth in capitalist society.
Interview with an Argentinian socialist
by Gastón Remy, Warren Montag, Jimena Vergara, and Joseph SerranoThis summer, the province of Jujuy in Argentina exploded in protest against constitutional reforms with the indigenous communities at the forefront. The backdrop to this conflict is an anti-imperialist fight for control of the country’s resources. Warren Montag, Jimena Vergara, and Joseph Serrano interview Argentinian socialist activist and professor Gastón Remy.
Interviews with SAG-AFTRA and WGA picketers in Hollywood
by Dana Cloud and Nina LozanoTempest members Dana Cloud and Nina Lozano went out in support of a picket against Netflix in Hollywood, where they interviewed six actors and writers about their work and the demands of the strike.
An interview with an ally involved with the strike
by Eric MaroneyTempest member Eric Maroney sat down with Gabriela, an ally close to the Writers Guild of America strike, to talk about the strike action, what is at stake, and what it will take to win.
An interview with two unionized Starbucks workers
by Joel SronceTempest member Joel Sronce interviews Sarah and Silvia, two of the unionized Starbucks workers who showed up in protest against Moms for Liberty.
5th anniversary of the red state teachers’ rebellion, part two
by Darrin HoopIn 2018, teachers struck across the South and won significant gains for educators. In this second of two articles, Darrin Hoop interviews four rank-and-file workers about their experience and draws lessons for labor organizing today.
5th anniversary of the red state teachers’ rebellion
by Darrin HoopIn 2018, teachers struck across the South. These strikes were initiated and led by the rank-and-file in states that do not recognize collective bargaining and won significant gains for educators. In this first of two articles, Darrin Hoop interviews four rank-and-file workers about their experience and draws lessons for labor organizing today.
Interview with Justin Akers Chacón
by Brendan StantonBrendan Stanton interviews Justin Akers Chacón, a socialist based in San Diego. Akers Chacón campaigns for worker and immigrant rights in the U.S.-Mexico border region and is the author of The Border Crossed Us: The Case for Opening the U.S.-Mexico Border.
An interview with five Tempest members in the UAW’s rank-and-file caucus
by Nevena Pilipović-WenglerTempest member Nevena Pilipović-Wengler interviews Tempest members Ron Lare (Local 600), Judy Wraight (Local 600), Ye-Eun Jong (Local 2710), Toly Rinberg (Local 5118), and Andrew Bergman (Local 5118) about their history-making rank-and-file caucus UAWD in the UAW.