In memory of Neal Adams
A defender of creator’s rights
by Hank KennedyHank Kennedy celebrates Neal Adams’ political and artistic contributions to the world of comic books in this obituary.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
A defender of creator’s rights
by Hank KennedyHank Kennedy celebrates Neal Adams’ political and artistic contributions to the world of comic books in this obituary.
How cultural workers spread through the South
by Joel SronceJoel Sronce reflects on an event featuring artist and activist Linqua Franqa and the importance of cultural workers to radical organizing in the South.
A response to Judas and the Black Messiah
by Brian Young Jr.Brian Young Jr. reflects on the themes of solidarity, socialism, and revolutionary struggle in the film Judas and the Black Messiah.
March 2022
by Camila ValleCami Valle follows up her stellar crossword, first published February 8th, 2022, with a March edition. We hope this will be an ongoing series of puzzles for Tempest readers.
Image comics workers certify
by Hank KennedyHank Kennedy situates the recent organizing drive of workers at Image comics into a longer history of efforts at Union organizing in that industry.
Don’t Look Up : Disaster spectacle as political satire
by Ricardo Gabriel, Thomas Hummel, & Adam TurlTempest Collective members Ricardo Gabriel, Thomas Hummel, and Adam Turl offer three different takes on the disaster movie Don’t Look Up.
Hank Kennedy reminds us of a period of all-sided culture war against comic books, pointing at its lessons and aftermath today.