A year into the genocide
Palestine still resists, and we renew our solidarity
by Tempest National CommitteeTempest Collective editorial on the anniversary of October 7, the ongoing genocide in Gaza, and Isreal’s escalating war crime in Lebanon.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Palestine still resists, and we renew our solidarity
by Tempest National CommitteeTempest Collective editorial on the anniversary of October 7, the ongoing genocide in Gaza, and Isreal’s escalating war crime in Lebanon.
Leninism and the International Socialist tradition
by Nate MooreNate Moore examines the theory, practice, and crises of the British Socialist Workers’ Party and the International Socialist Organization (U.S.).
A poem for Palestine
by Marcellus "Khaliifah" WilliamsPoet and activist Marcellus Williams was murdered by the state of Missouri by lethal injection on September 24, 2024. In the last year of his life, among his poetry was this piece, written in solidarity with the people (and children) of Palestine, other victims of state sanctioned murder. Tempest re-runs the piece here in solidarity with both.
A review of Annie Jacobsen’s Nuclear War: A Scenario
by David FriedmanDavid Friedman reviews Annie Jacobsen’s latest book, Nuclear War: A Scenario (2024).
What is Leninism?
by Nate MooreNate Moore argues that Lenin’s main contribution was not a theory of organization but in his attention to concrete social analysis—revolutionary theory that could inform strategy, tactics, and ways of organizing.
Oppose the new McCarthyism, defend free speech
by TempestTempest encourages our members and supporters to sign the petition in support of Dr. Steven Thrasher.
Socialists and the 2024 elections – A reply to Max Elbaum
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith responds to Max Elbaum’s overheated polemic on the question of strategy for socialists in the 2024 elections.
Tempest member Kirstin Roberts urgently advocates for saving the life of Marcellus “Khaliifah” Williams who is scheduled to be unjustly executed by the State of Missouri on September 24.
While Left enthusiasts for the results of the French elections rightly celebrate the electoral defeat of the right, Peter Solenberger argues that Marxists need to confront the problem that the elections do not offer a forward for the working class.
Visions of a united socialist Ireland
by Glenn AllenGlenn Allen reviews the film Kneecap (2024).