The rise of Ilhan Omar
Lessons from a self-portrait
by Shamus CookeShamus Cooke assesses the record of Representative Ilhan Omar and what her autobiography reveals about her political trajectory.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Lessons from a self-portrait
by Shamus CookeShamus Cooke assesses the record of Representative Ilhan Omar and what her autobiography reveals about her political trajectory.
Problems with Jacobin’s experimental study
by Pete Ikeler, Andy Sernatinger, & Erin CassThis article was originally published in Spectre Journal. The following is an edited version, condensed for readability. The full-text can be read here.
Todd Gordon puts the ongoing protest known as the “Freedom Convoy”, that started in Canada’s capital city and then spread, in its historical context with that country’s other fascist and far-right movements.
For international solidarity to resist imperialism!
by Tempest Collective Steering CommitteeTempest Collective statement in opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Erin Cass writes on behalf of the Steering Committee.
From the Chilean October to Boric and beyond
by Joaquín Araneda and Luis MeinersJoaquín Araneda and Luis Meiners situate the recent electoral breakthrough for the Left in Chile in both the recent insurrectionary uprising of October 2019, and the longer term processes in Chile from the Pinochet dictatorship, and the period of custodial democracy from 1990 to 2021.
A reply to Jacobin
by Adam TurlAdam Turl responds to Bhaskar Sunkara’s “The Left in Purgatory” , the lead editorial in the recent print issue of Jacobin, No. 44, Winter 2022.
A transcript of a Tempest Collective panel
by Paul KDThis is a lightly edited transcript of the panel on labor struggle and strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic, organized by the Tempest Collective. It features Elizabeth Lalasz, Kirstin Roberts, Kim Moody, and Joe Burns, and is chaired by Paul KD.
In the face of daily news out of Ukraine, Joe Allen writes on the recent history of the anti-war movement to explain its current weak state, and to point to the urgency of rebuilding it.
The uprising of January 2–8, 2022 was a revolt against inequality, unemployment, and the looting of the country, Kazakh socialist Aynur Karamov explains.
Capitalism and the COVID-19 pandemic
by TempestAn upcoming Tempest Collective event on the role of capitalism in exacerbating the COVID-19 pandemic.