What’s become of the rank and file strategy?
by Mel Bienenfeld
Mel Bienenfeld traces the evolution of the debates around the rank and file strategy within New York City Democratic Socialists of America and DSA nationally.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Mel Bienenfeld traces the evolution of the debates around the rank and file strategy within New York City Democratic Socialists of America and DSA nationally.
Deny the permit! Give us clean air for Xmas!
by Linda LoewReport from
Linda Loew on a Chicago protest against General Iron’s air pollution.BCTGM-Kellogg strike diary
by Ron LareRon Lare provides a report from the BCTGM-Kellogg picket line in Michigan.
A review of The World Turned Upside Down
by Lee WengrafLee Wengraf reviews a new novel by Leo Zeiliig.
The conclusion of the Bowman Crisis in DSA
by Andy SernatingerAfter weeks of public debate about DSA’s relationship to Congressional Representative Jamaal Bowman, DSA’s leadership announced that they will not expel Bowman. Andy Sernatinger reports on how the crisis unfolded and examines the forces at play.
A brief report from the first convention of the Tempest Collective, by the newly elected Steering Committee.
Defeat the recall
by William GifisOn behalf of the Tempest Collective, William Gifis calls for solidarity with Kshama Sawant in the December 7 recall election.
The stakes in the debate over Bowman and Israel
by brian beanbrian bean responds to Hadas Thier’s article in Jacobin, “No, DSA Shouldn’t Expel Rep. Jamaal Bowman”.
A slightly edited version of a short talk by Aaron Amaral on perspective for the revolutionary Left, given at the 2021 Tempest Convention.
Change, opportunities, and troubling trends
by Joe AllenJoe Allen explains the prospects for the Teamsters in the aftermath of the most recent Union election.