Remembering an icon of the resistance to settler colonialism
A review of David Correia’s An Enemy Such as This
by Brian WardBrian Ward reviews David Correia’s new book on Larry Casuse and the struggle for Native liberation.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
A review of David Correia’s An Enemy Such as This
by Brian WardBrian Ward reviews David Correia’s new book on Larry Casuse and the struggle for Native liberation.
Thomas Hummel reflects on the strategic use of nationalism in sports to support the interests of the ruling class and U.S. imperialism.
Putin’s Imposition of Obedience and Order on Russian Society
by Ilya BudraitskisIn the aftermath of its invasion of Ukraine, Ilya Budraitskis describes Russia as evolving to a new form of fascism.
Letter from a Minneapolis educator-activist
by Dan TroccoliIn March—less than two years after outbreak of massive protests following the police murder of George Floyd—Minneapolis teachers and educational support professionals went on strike. After two weeks out, they’d won some gains, including on racial justice demands. Educator-activist Dan Troccoli explains how they did it and how far there is to go.
Steve Leigh analyzes the defeat of the Seattle concrete workers strike in light of the developments in the labor movement, including Striketober and the new Teamster leadership.
Education “reforms” through the neo-liberal lens
by Lois WeinerChapter two of Lois Weiner’s forthcoming book, as yet untitled, on capitalism, education, teachers’ work and teachers unions.
Justin Feldman and Sam Friedman discuss the shortcomings of the Left in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and try to trace a path forward.
How cultural workers spread through the South
by Joel SronceJoel Sronce reflects on an event featuring artist and activist Linqua Franqa and the importance of cultural workers to radical organizing in the South.
Delivering on the promise of the ALU victory
by TempestA Tempest editorial assesses the importance of the bombshell victory of the independent Amazon Labor Union in its organizing effort against the logistics giant.
Reports from the front; Greensboro, N.C.
by Gee RoughinGee Roughin, a member of Greensboro Revolutionary Socialists (GRS), makes a case for free and safe abortion that’s grounded in the experience of two pregnancies.