Will there be a national strike at UPS?
The status quo is untenable for rank-and-file Teamsters
by Joe AllenJoe Allen examines lessons from the 1997 UPS strike and considers the potential for a national strike against the company in 2023.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
The status quo is untenable for rank-and-file Teamsters
by Joe AllenJoe Allen examines lessons from the 1997 UPS strike and considers the potential for a national strike against the company in 2023.
Online panel in solidarity with railroad workers
by TempestRailroad Workers United and Haymarket Books present a panel of rank-and-file railroad workers in a discussion of one of the most important struggles in recent labor history.
Report from the front
by Dana CloudDana Cloud reports on a rally and march for abortion rights in Long Beach, CA earlier this month.
Inland Empire Amazon Workers United puts Jeff Bezos on notice.
by Dana CloudDana Cloud talked with Amazon workers on the picket line about work conditions, wages, organizing, and their future.
A review of Donna Murch’s Assata Taught Me
by Sudip BhattacharyaSudip Battacharya reviews Donna Murch, Assata Taught Me: State Violence, Racial Capitalism, and the Movement for Black Lives
and explores how the past informs the present.
A call for the freedom of the political prisoners of the Iranian regime.
by TempestTempest re-publishes a statement in solidarity with the political prisoners of the Iranian Regime.
Shamus Cooke analyzes the response of the Biden administration to the recent upsurges in labor organizing and activism and finds reasons for concern.
A resolution on Putin’s invasion, war, and the future of Ukraine and the left movement passed by Sotsialnyi Rukh/ Social Movement (Ukraine) at its recent September 2022 convention.
Jackson Women’s Health Organization and abortion justice after Roe
by Derenda HancockJackson, Mississippi abortion justice leader Derenda Hancock describes the Jackson Women’s Health Organization’s history and closure and explains why the abortion justice movement must ramp-up clinic defenses in the coming days.
Mara Chinelli looks back on the 2020 rebellion that followed the police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota and its reverberations across the country, including in New York City.