Railroad Workers United open letter to Congress and the President
A call for solidarity against the rail bosses and their supporters
by Railroad Workers UnitedJoin the call to support railroad workers against Biden and the rail bosses.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
A call for solidarity against the rail bosses and their supporters
by Railroad Workers UnitedJoin the call to support railroad workers against Biden and the rail bosses.
On the 75th anniversary of his death
by Theodor LenaVictor Serge participated in the Russian Revolution and observed it acutely. Theodor Lena pays tribute 75 years after Serge’s death.
The U.S. after the midterm elections
by Ashley Smith and Charlie PostNow is the time for a critical assessment of the Left’s failed electoral strategy and the shift to a fundamentally different one—an orientation on the independent organization of class and social struggle.
In remembrance
by Erik KerlEric Kerl offers his personal reminiscence of Staughton Lynd, who died on November 17 at the age of 92. The article first ran in the Haymarket Books blog.
Reports from Starbucks’ Red Cup Rebellion
by TempestTempest members report from picket lines around the country on a one-day strike by Starbucks Workers.
The Teamsters’ midterm election mess
by Joe AllenJoe Allen analyzes the Ohio Teamsters’ electoral strategy in Ohio and its endorsement of the right-wing Republican, incumbent Governor, Mike DeWine.
A poem by socialist Sam Friedman is part of a collection reflecting on his radicalism from the 1960s forward.
Ideological struggles within the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement
by FredAmid ongoing protests following the death of 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman Mahsa Amin in September while in Iranian police custody for several days after being arrested by the morality police, Fred, an Iranian socialist, analyzes the government’s harsh response, the different ideological factions that are within the “woman, life, freedom” movement, and where these opposition forces are situated in a future post-regime Iran.
COP27 puts the spotlight on Egypt’s political prisoners
by brian bean and Shireen Akram-Bosharbrian bean and Shireen Akram-Boshar report on the campaign, during COP27, to save Egyptian political prisoner Alaa Abd el-Fattah.
An event co-hosted by The Real News Network and Haymarket Books
by TempestThe Real News Network, in partnership with Haymarket Books, hosts a panel with Ukrainian and Russian activists and academics.