Revolution means smashing the state
by brian bean
Any responsible approach to overcoming capitalism, argues brian bean, must grapple with the need to dismantle the capitalist state and replace it with our own democratic institutions from below.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Any responsible approach to overcoming capitalism, argues brian bean, must grapple with the need to dismantle the capitalist state and replace it with our own democratic institutions from below.
“Explaining” strikes for union recognition
by Kim MoodyDid workers “pivot” toward striking for union recognition because of New Deal legislation, as Eric Blanc claims? Kim Moody looks at what really drove the labor upsurge of the early 1930s.
Interview with the Workers Against Sectarianism (Iraq)
by brian beanbrian bean interviews Workers Against Sectarianism on the struggle against sectarian politics in Iraq.
A Tempest (NYC) public event on union struggles in the City’s public sector.
Daniel Randall reports on the strike wave in Britain and analyzes the dynamics and lessons from the biggest labor upsurge in a generation.
Daniel Johnson reports on the current situation following a 2021 investigation by Greenpeace that revealed how European countries, led by the U.K., Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, have shipped millions of tons of waste to Turkey.
Call for solidarity actions with anti-war activists in Russia
by Russian Socialist MovementTempest shares the call of the Russian Socialist Movement for solidarity with Russian anti-war and anti-fascist activists.
A response to Left Voice
by Andy SernatingerTempest’s Andrew Sernatinger responds to a debate with Left Voice on how revolutionary socialists should relate to broad parties.
Elements of an insurrection
by David WhitehouseTempest member David Whitehouse examines how Denmark Vesey and his comrades recruited and organized in 1822 for an attempted uprising against slavery in Charleston, South Carolina.
The continuing relevance of High Noon
by Hank KennedyHank Kennedy revisits the Hollywood classic High Noon.