Remembering Marshal Law
A tribute to comic book artist Kevin O’Neill
by Hank KennedyTempest’s Hank Kennedy pays tribute to the radical comic book artist Kevin O’Neill, who died last November.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
A tribute to comic book artist Kevin O’Neill
by Hank KennedyTempest’s Hank Kennedy pays tribute to the radical comic book artist Kevin O’Neill, who died last November.
Tempest member Promise Li reports on the recently announced union card campaign launched last month by PGSU at Princeton University.
Tortuguita Vive! La Lucha Sigue!
by Leandro HerreraTempest member Leandro Herrera speaks with an Atlanta Forest defender about Manuel Esteban Paez Terán (aka Tortuguita), a beloved activist part of the Stop Cop City campaign who was murdered by police in January.
We demanded $21 an hour! We got $21 an hour!
by Nancy WelchTempest member Nancy Welch interviews Grace Hillery, a sophomore and member of the Student Workers Collective at Dartmouth, on their recent union contract victory for student workers.
Transcript of Tempest event
by Luis Meiners, Rabab Elnaiem, Andreu Coll, and Natalia TylimPanelists on Tempest’s Building the Revolutionary Left Today panel present the questions and takeaways from their experiences in the revolutionary Left.
A foreword
by Samuel FarberSamuel Farber provides the foreword in the Haymarket-published book America as Overlord, a collection of essays written by Hal Draper in the 1950s and 1960s on the role of U.S. imperialism from World War II to the Vietnam War.
Vermont activists speak out
by TempestA panel of Vermont activists spoke out on police, prisons, and capitalism in late January. Speakers took up the need to fund social services and defund police and prisons. The event highlighted a specific reform—community control of police—that is on the local ballot in Burlington on March 7.
Within and against the university, within and for each other
by Steven LazaroffGraduate worker Steven Lazaroff considers what it means to be a revolutionary in graduate student unions on the basis of his experience at Illinois State University, where the ISU Graduate Workers Union won a significant victory.
An Interview with Ukrainian socialist Vladyslav Starodubstev
by Ashley Smith and Vladyslav StarodubstevAshley Smith of the Tempest Collective interviews Vladyslav Starodubstev on the one-year anniversary of the war about the struggle for internationalist solidarity in Ukraine and Palestine.
Last September a fascist party descended from Mussolini’s movement won election in Italy—a milestone in the advance of the far right internationally. Thomas Hummel examines the Italian situation and argues that united struggle can turn the tide.