The far right today
by Charlie Post
Hard-right politicians and fascist street gangs pose growing threats to workers and the oppressed, argues Charlie Post, but they aren’t the same thing, and the Left needs different tactics to combat each one.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Hard-right politicians and fascist street gangs pose growing threats to workers and the oppressed, argues Charlie Post, but they aren’t the same thing, and the Left needs different tactics to combat each one.
Support this unionist, fired for organizing
by Ben RatliffeBen Ratliffe reports on the firing of OPEIU Local 39 Chief Steward Joe Evica in retaliation for union activity during an ongoing contract fight with CUNA Mutual Group.
A timeline of the anti-trans moral panic in the U.S.
by Dean O'PossumDean O’Possum situates the recent wave of anti-trans attacks in the context of a broader pattern of moral panics whipping up right-wing forces against trans people and the Left more broadly.
An Interview with author David Camfield
by Ricardo Gabriel and Nevena Pilipović-WenglerTempest members Ricardo Gabriel and Nevena Pilipović-Wenglerinterviewed David Camfield about his newest book, Future on Fire: Capitalism and the Politics of Climate Change.
In defense of revolution
by TempestAnnouncing a Tempest Collective event on Sunday, April 23 at 2 pm featuring Tempest Collective member brian bean on smashing the state.
Thomas Hummel examines the recent run of bank failures and finds a system riven by crisis and contradictions.
A Review of This is Only the Beginning
by Aaron AmaralAaron Amaral reviews Michael Chessum’s book This is Only the Beginning.
Lessons from Community Defense in Ohio
by Naomi Bennet and Amber BoardmanNaomi Bennet and Amber Boardman are Ohio-based socialists working to defend queer communities from fascist violence and they discuss the lessons of the past several months and the new challenges facing anti-fascists around the country.
Tempest panel to defend Black studies
by Kristen Godfrey, Jesse Hagopian, Daniel HoSang, and Phil GasperSpeakers on the Tempest Panel “Resisting the Backlash, Defending Black Studies” look to educator organizing and labor movements in higher education as inspiring sites of struggle to defend Black studies against the right-wing backlash.
Major struggles are brewing in 2023
by Kim MoodyKim Moody looks at the changing economic, internal union, and political contexts for workers whose contracts expire this year and argues that intransigent employers will face a union workforce with years of accumulated grievances, a cost-of-living crisis, and a rebellious rank and file. We can expect major struggles in 2023. This offers a huge opportunity for socialists. But without the assertion of rank-and-file organization and power, he explains, the potential for labor in 2023 will be lost.