The radical roots of harm reduction
A first-hand account
by Sam FriedmanEven the best accounts of the movement for harm reduction leave out the role of Marxists, anarchists, and other radicals. Sam Friedman sets the record straight.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
A first-hand account
by Sam FriedmanEven the best accounts of the movement for harm reduction leave out the role of Marxists, anarchists, and other radicals. Sam Friedman sets the record straight.
Which way forward for Palestinian liberation?
by Joseph DaherIran has been attempting to achieve a regional balance of power against Israel and the U.S. as well as pursue its own military and economic aims in the region. The regime views any challenge to its influence in Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and the Gaza Strip, whether from below by popular forces or from Israel, other regional powers, and the U.S. as a threat to their interests. Its policy is entirely driven by its state and capitalist interests, not some liberatory project.
We can only rely on each other
by Aly Wane and Dana CloudAly Wane predicts what’s coming for immigrants in the Trump era.
Building working-class solidarity in Trump’s U.S.
by Tempest National CommitteeThe Tempest National Committee argues that struggles against oppression are an essential part of class struggle and charts a political alternative that rejects the dead-end of class reductionism.
Following an overwhelming membership vote in favor of a resolution opposing scholasticide in Gaza the Council of the American Historical Association, in a blatantly undemocratic act, vetoed the decision. Daniel Johnson reports on the events and plans to challenge this decision.
Statement of the USN-US on the anniversary of the Russian invasion
by TempestIn principled opposition to imperialism including the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and in solidarity with the Ukrainian struggle for self-determination and its defense of basic democratic rights, we republish the statement of the Ukraine Solidarity Network-U.S. (USN) on the third anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Three years of resistance against Russian imperialism
by TempestUpcoming event of the Ukraine Solidarity Network-U.S. marking the three years anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Avery Wear argues that immigrant workers are creating the first grassroots opposition to Trump’s second-term agenda and are critical to building an effective labor movement.
The urgent need for regional solidarity from below
by brian beanbrian bean reviews Joseph Daher’s new book Palestine and Marxism.
Against the arbitrary decision of the UNIL rectorate
by TempestTempest joins the call for solidarity with Joseph Daher who is facing the loss of his job for his Palestine activism. We stand in full solidarity with all who are facing repression for their principled stand in opposition to the genocide in Gaza and for Palestinian liberation.