Forced to resign over Palestine
An NYC public defender responds
by AnonymousA New York City public defender forced out of her position at New York County Defender Services (NYCDS) over her support for Palestine responds.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
An NYC public defender responds
by AnonymousA New York City public defender forced out of her position at New York County Defender Services (NYCDS) over her support for Palestine responds.
Images of a new world
by Yang KangYang Kang reports on two recent Palestine solidarity events in Taipei and their significance in drawing links with Taiwan’s own struggle for self-determination.
A response to Dan La Botz and Stephen R. Shalom
by Sean LarsonSean Larson responds to an argument made by Dan La Botz and Stephen R. Shalom about whether and how to judge the actions taken by Hamas on October 7.
Maduro threatens Essequibo land grab after referendum
by Dan DavisonDan Davison analyzes the recent referendum, called by President Nicolas Maduro, which appears to provide the pretext for Venezuela to annex two-thirds of Guyana in pursuit of its oil resources.
“People of Palestine, Colombia is with you!”
by Joel SronceJoel Sronce reports on a major Palestine solidarity demonstration by workers and the Left in Colombia.
A response to Mel Bienenfeld on October 7
by brian beanbrian bean replies to Mel Bienenfeld’s criticism of two earlier Tempest articles by the author on the analysis and posture of revolutionary socialists towards the events of October 7 in Palestine.
Anderson Bean reflects on the destructive legacy of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger who died last month at the age of 100 years old.
Tempest Interviews Cele Fierro
by Cele FierroTempest interviews Cele Fierro about the recent elections in Argentina and the presidential victory of far right candidate Javier Milei.
A talk from Socialism 2023
by Shireen Akram-BosharIn this talk delivered last September at the Socialism Conference, Tempest member Shireen Akram-Boshar describes how multiple global crises and revolts signal rising popular rage against the neoliberal capitalist order. Because neoliberalism has eviscerated resources for care and social reproduction, feminist insurgency is especially important.
Interview with Vermont organizers Wafic Faour and Ashley Smith
by Paul Fleckenstein, Wafic Faour, and Ashley SmithPaul Fleckenstein interviews Wafic Faour and Ashley Smith, two organizers with the Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation.