Priming the Philippines for a “globalized NATO”
by Rasti Delizo
Rasti Delizo critically examines the foreign policy of the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and its role in a globalized NATO.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Rasti Delizo critically examines the foreign policy of the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and its role in a globalized NATO.
System-wide strike announced for January 22-26
by Dana CloudTempest’s Dana Cloud reports on strikes by faculty at the California State University, the largest public university system in the United States. The California Faculty Association has called a system-wide strike for January 22-26.
Stop the repression against Palestine activists
by TempestThe Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists (CORS) are facing political repression at Ohio State University for its Palestine activism. Tempest shares CORS’s account of the suspension of its student group while rightly calling attention to the wave of McCarthyite tactics by universities across the country. Please sign and circulate the CORS solidarity petition.
David Camfield and Charlie Post argue that Palestinian liberation requires a regional revolutionary strategy based on the politics and methods of socialism from below.
Scholars Against the War on Palestine statement
by Scholars Against the War on PalestineScholars Against the War on Palestine called for a permanent ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza. Here we reproduce the statement and a partial list of signatories.
Tempest’s Promise Li interviews an international graduate student worker at the University of Southern California after the graduate students’ first-ever contract was ratified.
Tempest fundraiser
by TempestTempest Collective fundraiser.
Joseph Daher explores how internationalists who support the self-determination of Palestinians should understand Hamas as historically a conservative force while maintaining solidarity with the Palestinian struggle.
Report from the front
by Alison AdamsAlison Adams reports on the Burlington City Council’s inability to pass a ceasefire resolution despite an overwhelming show of support from residents.
Tempest’s Promise Li interviews Michael Mueller, an arrestee during a November 17 Palestine protest at the University of Michigan.