Luxemburg on the Russian Revolution
A correction
by Helen Scott and Paul LeBlancHelen Scott and Paul Le Blanc, editors of Volume 5 of Verso’s Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, reply to John Marot’s Tempest article based on the book.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
A correction
by Helen Scott and Paul LeBlancHelen Scott and Paul Le Blanc, editors of Volume 5 of Verso’s Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, reply to John Marot’s Tempest article based on the book.
When they get noticed, people with Long COVID are often viewed as helpless victims—but Sara Johnson and Sam Friedman show how long haulers have been getting organized on their own behalf.
Stop the criminal prosecution of Alejandro Bodart
by TempestTempest encourages its readers to sign the solidarity petition in support of Alejandro Bodart, a leader of the International Socialist League in Argentina, facing criminal prosecution as a result of his Palestine activism.
The machine identifying “human targets” for assassination in Gaza
by Djuna SchamusDjuna Schamus details the dangerous artificial intelligence and mass surveillance tools Israel is lethally deploying against Palestinians under the Lavender program.
Héctor Rivera discusses the meaning of Claudia Sheinbaum’s victory in Mexico and takes a critical look at the new regime in formation in Mexican politics.
Assassination attempt emboldens Trump, further immobilizes Democrats
by Ashley SmithAshley Smith analyzes the impact of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on the deepening political crisis in the U.S.
A thinker and fighter for union renewal
by Paul KDPaul K.D. pays tribute to labor organizer and scholar, Jane McAlevey
Now implement the program of the New Popular Front
by TempestTempest re-runs the statement of the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA)/New Anti-capitalist Party on the results of Sunday’s national elections.
Thousands protest austerity and struggle for liberation
by Zachary PattersonA report from the Review of African Political Economy on the Kenyan uprising.
Union activist Benoit Renaud reports and reflects on the recent victory of Québec public workers.