“From heroes to zeroes”
Report on the Kaiser Permanente strike
by Promise LiTempest’s Promise Li reports on Kaiser Permanente workers’ three-day strike, which ended October 10 with a tentative agreement but no contract.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Report on the Kaiser Permanente strike
by Promise LiTempest’s Promise Li reports on Kaiser Permanente workers’ three-day strike, which ended October 10 with a tentative agreement but no contract.
Tempest member Promise Li reports on the recently announced union card campaign launched last month by PGSU at Princeton University.
The explosive nexus of labor and social reproduction in China
by Promise LiChinese feminist researcher Yige Dong provides context to the labor uprising at the Apple iPhone Foxconn factory in Zhengzhou and its relationship to the broader uprising in China.
Promise Li contends that discerning between allies and enemies is no expression of chauvinism, but a marker of socialist clarity.