“The John Brown way” part 2
Into battle
by David WhitehouseDavid Whitehouse recounts the battles, up through the Harpers’ Ferry revolt, of anti-slavery militant John Brown, a period that influenced the emergence of the United States Left.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Into battle
by David WhitehouseDavid Whitehouse recounts the battles, up through the Harpers’ Ferry revolt, of anti-slavery militant John Brown, a period that influenced the emergence of the United States Left.
Grassroots frameworks, interlinked movements
by David WhitehouseDavid Whitehouse tells a different story about John Brown, who led the 1859 raid against slavery in what was then Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. This article is Part One of Two.
Elements of an insurrection
by David WhitehouseTempest member David Whitehouse examines how Denmark Vesey and his comrades recruited and organized in 1822 for an attempted uprising against slavery in Charleston, South Carolina.