
Marxist theory

How should socialists think about political tradition?
Tempest’s David Camfield reviews the trove of theoretical resources available to us as we think about what traditions should inform our work.

In Memoriam: John Molyneux
Tempest member Phil Gasper discusses the work and politics of the prominent and dedicated British Marxist John Molyneux.

The making of a Black Bolshevik
Bill Mullen argues that McKay deserves a good Marxist biographer and has found one in Winston James.
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Race, black liberation, & anti-racism

Confronting the backlash
In this transcript of a session at Socialism 2023, Tempest’s Haley Pessin and Phil Gasper discuss how socialists should challenge the backlash against the anti-racist uprising of the 2020s and argue that it takes a combined anti-racism and anti-capitalism to mount the necessary resistance.

Black Lives Matter and Palestine
A transcript of Black Lives Matter and Palestine Solidarity Teach-In held in Seattle, Washington, February 1, 2024.

Anti-racist rebellion and the Left
Ben Rosenfield reviews the book The George Floyd Uprising edited by Vortex Group.
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Democratic Socialists of America

DSA’s budget crisis has been a long time coming
Andy Sernatinger assesses the severe budget crisis that has surfaced within the Democratic Socialists of America.

DSA after the 2023 convention
The window for revolutionaries in the DSA is still open, if “open” means the opportunity to work with other socialists in the unions and movements, to win a layer of activists to revolutionary politics, and to advance the projects of left and revolutionary regroupment, argue Tempest members Giselle Gerolami, Ron Lare, and Peter Solenberger.

The DSA moment is over
Andy Sernatinger looks at the crisis facing the Democratic Socialists of America, arguing that DSA’s ‘moment’ has passed.
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Gender Identity & Queer Politics

Political economy of passing
In recognition of Transgender Day of Remembrance and Transgender Awareness Week, Eric Maroney meditates on what it means to be Black and transgender in white-supremacist, capitalist society. In spite of carceral logics and practices alongside intimately felt gender discipline, Maroney finds reason for hope in queer and abolitionist kinship.

The continuing relevance of Beyond a Boundary
Joel Sronce describes the continuing relevance and insight of C.L.R. James’ Beyond a Boundary.

One year after Dobbs
A panel of activists discusses strategies to mount a defense and counteroffensive to win full reproductive justice including free abortion one year following the Dobbs decision.
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Report from Bogotá
Joel Sronce reports on a major Palestine solidarity demonstration by workers and the Left in Colombia.

Time for DSA’s internationalists to show solidarity with Ukraine
Tempest reader John Lawrence writes in support of amendments to DSA convention proposals on internationalism and Ukraine solidarity.

Sudanese appeal for solidarity
In recognition of the urgency of the situation in Sudan and in internationalist solidarity, Tempest reprints two items published by the MENA Solidarity Network.
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Southern autoworkers on the rise
Workers at six Daimler Truck plants in the South were set to strike when Joel Sronce interviewed UAW members and their supporters in North Carolina.

California State faculty mobilize for a no vote
Dana Cloud and Gary Holloway interviewed four activists in the California Faculty Association who are urging union members to vote down a bad tentative agreement reached after just one day of a planned five-day strike across the 23-campus system.

California Faculty Association engaged in rolling strikes against the California State University system
Tempest’s Dana Cloud reports on strikes by faculty at the California State University, the largest public university system in the United States. The California Faculty Association has called a system-wide strike for January 22-26.
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Palestine and the Arab Revolution
A panel discussion featuring revolutionaries from around the region talking about the inextricable ties between Palestinian liberation and liberation across the region, and its special relevance in this crucial historic moment.

The Israel-Iran theater show–a distraction from Gaza genocide
Michael Karadjis explains how the recent interchange of missiles between Israel and Iran was an episode of theater distracting from the ongoing genocide in Gaza and leaving Israel more powerful.

Criticisms and conditions in support for Palestinian resistance
Tom Dale responds to the Tempest editorial “Toward a free Palestine” and argues for clarifying what socialists mean by “unconditional but critical support” for national liberation struggles.
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Marxist Classics

A new era of labor revolt (1966)
In the mid-1960s, in the midst of Black urban revolt and radicalization on campuses, the U.S. working class was supposedly bought off and inactive. Worker-revolutionary Stan Weirdisagreed. In this 1966 speech, he detailed the broad stirrings of a rank and file rebellion—a revolt with roots in unbearable workplace conditions and a deep feeling that “something’s…

What are the origins of May Day?
Rosa Luxemburg on the origins of May Day as International Workers Day.

The ABC of national liberation movements
In the thick of the Vietnam War, Hal Draper penned a set of theses about how socialists should approach questions of imperialism, war, and national liberation. With a new introduction by Sam Farber.
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