Sixty-seven days on strike
Nurses at RWJBarnard are standing strong
by Sam FriedmanTempest’s Sam Friedman reports on an ongoing strike by nurses at RWJBarnard Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Nurses at RWJBarnard are standing strong
by Sam FriedmanTempest’s Sam Friedman reports on an ongoing strike by nurses at RWJBarnard Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ.
Tappan, New York
by Haley Pessin and Mel BienenfeldIn these short reports, Tempest members Haley Pessin and Mel Bienenfeld describe UAW pickets at a Stellantis Parts Distribution Center in Tappan, NY.
UAW Pickets at G.M. in Rancho Cucamonga
by Dana CloudTempest’s Dana Cloud reports from a United Auto Workers picket line at a G.M. parts distribution center in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Report from the front
by Hank KennedyOn August 25, 97 percent of the 150,000 auto workers represented by the UAW voted to authorize a strike if an agreement is not reached before their contracts expire on September 14. Hank Kennedy reports on a rally of the United Auto Workers in Warren, Michigan last weekend before the strike authorization vote.
Building on the year’s academic labor fights
by Dana CloudTempest’s Dana Cloud surveys the year’s labor struggles in higher education and concludes that the moment may be right for another surge.
Interviews with SAG-AFTRA and WGA picketers in Hollywood
by Dana Cloud and Nina LozanoTempest members Dana Cloud and Nina Lozano went out in support of a picket against Netflix in Hollywood, where they interviewed six actors and writers about their work and the demands of the strike.
Reports from the front
by Ashley Smith and Paul KDIn these two brief reports, Tempest members Ashley Smith and Paul KD describe Teamsters’ practice pickets as a potential UPS strike looms.
Report from the front
by Dana CloudDana Cloud reports on a recent rally and march by hospitality workers from UNITE-HERE in Los Angeles.
5th anniversary of the red state teachers’ rebellion, part two
by Darrin HoopIn 2018, teachers struck across the South and won significant gains for educators. In this second of two articles, Darrin Hoop interviews four rank-and-file workers about their experience and draws lessons for labor organizing today.
An interview with LA educators
by Alex SchmausAlex Schmaus interviews UTLA member Thalía Cataño and SEIU Local 99 member Rosalba Romero— both of whom work at Theodore Roosevelt High School in Los Angeles—about the successful strike in March.