How should socialists think about political tradition?
by David Camfield
Tempest’s David Camfield reviews the trove of theoretical resources available to us as we think about what traditions should inform our work.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Tempest’s David Camfield reviews the trove of theoretical resources available to us as we think about what traditions should inform our work.
A brief report on the 2024 Tempest convention
by Kirstin Roberts and Natalia TylimKirstin Roberts and Natalia Tylim report of the 2024 Tempest convention held in Chicago over the long weekend of February 17-19.
Why I joined Tempest
by Aileen CerrillosTempest member Aileen Cerrillos reflects on their experience organizing in university and NGO-modeled spaces and their decision to join the Tempest Collective project.
Interview with David McNally—Part 2
by David McNallyThe Tempest Collective Editorial Board recently sat down with David McNally to discuss current geopolitical dynamics, economic fault lines, and labor struggles—and perspectives for socialists in 2024. This is the second part of a two-part interview. Part one can be read here.
Another view
by Giselle Gerolami, Ron Lare, and Peter SolenbergerThe window for revolutionaries in the DSA is still open, if “open” means the opportunity to work with other socialists in the unions and movements, to win a layer of activists to revolutionary politics, and to advance the projects of left and revolutionary regroupment, argue Tempest members Giselle Gerolami, Ron Lare, and Peter Solenberger.
Andy Sernatinger analyzes the developments from DSA’s 2023 National Convention.
A Tempest NYC Marxism day school talk
by Natalia TylimIn this talk delivered in June 2023 at the Tempest NYC Marxism day school, Natalia Tylim explains the importance of revolutionary organization and suggests directions for Tempest today. This is the second in an ongoing series of articles from our regional Marxism schools that took place earlier this summer. It has been lightly edited for publication. The first essay by Tim Goulet focused on socialists in the labor movement.