How should socialists think about political tradition?
by David Camfield
Tempest’s David Camfield reviews the trove of theoretical resources available to us as we think about what traditions should inform our work.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Tempest’s David Camfield reviews the trove of theoretical resources available to us as we think about what traditions should inform our work.
This talk by Anthony Arnove kicked off a NYC Tempest Collective discussion on the theme of “Socialism from Below.”
Travis S. argues that a more promising road forward for effective confrontation with the U.S. empire lies in disruptive power from below.
Interview with David McNally
by TempestThe Tempest Collective Editorial Board continues its engagement with David McNally on the challenges of building revolutionary organization in the current conjuncture. The interview seeks to expand ongoing discussions and debates on the question of the so-called micro-sect or micro-party model of building revolutionary organization.
A slightly edited version of a short talk by Aaron Amaral on perspective for the revolutionary Left, given at the 2021 Tempest Convention.
Sean Larson outlines different conceptions of socialism and asserts that only the self-emancipation of the working class can lead to the world we want.