One year after Dobbs
The fight for reproductive justice
by TempestA panel of activists discusses strategies to mount a defense and counteroffensive to win full reproductive justice including free abortion one year following the Dobbs decision.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
The fight for reproductive justice
by TempestA panel of activists discusses strategies to mount a defense and counteroffensive to win full reproductive justice including free abortion one year following the Dobbs decision.
The explosive nexus of labor and social reproduction in China
by Promise LiChinese feminist researcher Yige Dong provides context to the labor uprising at the Apple iPhone Foxconn factory in Zhengzhou and its relationship to the broader uprising in China.
Turn majority support into mass action
by Haley Pessin & Natalia TylimEven though popular support for abortion rights stands at more than two-thirds, the Supreme Court seems dead set on overturning Roe v. Wade. Haley Pessin and Natalia Tylim look at why this majority hasn’t ruled in official politics and the kind of organizing it will take to turn things around.
A review of “Transgender Marxism”
by Eric MaroneyEric Maroney reviews “Transgender Marxism.”