Free Boris Kagarlitsky and all Russian anti-war prisoners
by Tempest
The case of Russian socialist Boris Kagarlitsky, in prison for opposing the war on Ukraine, may be up for appeal in early May. Tempest supports an urgent campaign for his release.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
The case of Russian socialist Boris Kagarlitsky, in prison for opposing the war on Ukraine, may be up for appeal in early May. Tempest supports an urgent campaign for his release.
War, fascization, and resistance
by Ilya BudraitskisIlya Budraitskis offers an update and perspective on the current political situation in Russia and its ongoing imperialist war in Ukraine.
Solidarity is stronger than repression
by TempestSupport the campaign to free Boris Kagarlitsky.
Interview with Russian socialist, Ivan Ovsyannikov
by Ashley Smith and Ivan OvsyannikovTempest Collective member, Ashley Smith, interviews Ivan Ovsyannikov, a Russian journalist, leftist activist, and trade union organizer on the international days of protest on January 19 through 24, 2023 called against Putin’s imperialist war in Ukraine and political repression in Russia.
On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination and Marxism
by Grusha GilaevaGrusha Gilaeva analyzes the positions of Marx and Lenin on the national question and explains why the Left must support the anti-colonial struggle of Ukraine.
Thomas Hummel provides analyses of the environmental impact caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war.
Ashley Smith reviews the ongoing Left debates about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the continuing need to defend Ukrainian resistance as the starting point for rebuilding international solidarity from below.
Simon Hannah reviews the varied Left positions in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and how to understand Lenin’s position of “revolutionary defeatism” in the current war.
Putin’s Imposition of Obedience and Order on Russian Society
by Ilya BudraitskisIn the aftermath of its invasion of Ukraine, Ilya Budraitskis describes Russia as evolving to a new form of fascism.
Kit Wainer reviews Ilya Budraitskis’ recent book.
by Kit WainerKit Wainer reviews Ilya Budraitskis recent book, Dissidents Among Dissidents: Ideology, Politics and the Left in Post-Soviet Russia.