Building a mass movement to stop Cop City
by Erwin Freed
Erwin Freed of Workers’ Voice writes on the ongoing struggle against the construction of Cop City in Atlanta, which has become a front-line battle against the carceral state.
A revolutionary socialist organizing project
Erwin Freed of Workers’ Voice writes on the ongoing struggle against the construction of Cop City in Atlanta, which has become a front-line battle against the carceral state.
A Tempest editorial
by Haley PessinIn an editorial on behalf of the Tempest Collective, Haley Pessin looks at the conditions that led to the murder of Jordan Neely, an unhoused Black man who was choked to death on May 1 while riding the New York City subway.
An opportunity for the Left
by Kirstin RobertsKirstin Roberts argues that given the stark political choice, the broad mobilization of left and movement forces in support of Brandon Johnson, and the groundwork laid over the last decade by union and social struggles in Chicago, the elections offer real opportunities for socialists committed to political independence.
Harold Washington’s 1983 campaign redux?
by Joe AllenJoe Allen sets the Chicago mayoral election in historical context and argues that the choice on offer, however stark, also reflects the political limits of the strength of the Left and our (social and trade union) movements.
Vermont activists speak out
by TempestA panel of Vermont activists spoke out on police, prisons, and capitalism in late January. Speakers took up the need to fund social services and defund police and prisons. The event highlighted a specific reform—community control of police—that is on the local ballot in Burlington on March 7.
Any responsible approach to overcoming capitalism, argues brian bean, must grapple with the need to dismantle the capitalist state and replace it with our own democratic institutions from below.
Reports from the front; Greensboro, N.C.
by Anderson BeanAnderson Bean provides an update on a battle for justice following the killing of Marcus Deon Smith by the Greensboro Police Department.
The Biden administration’s policies have precipitated a humanitarian crisis on the U.S./ Mexico border. While it repealed some of Trump’s vicious anti-immigrant orders, the administration has maintained a closed border, expelled over 170,000 people, thrown over 19,000 children into detention centers, and pressured Mexico to bar migrants on its southern border. At an April 25 virtual event, socialists and activists discussed Biden’s betrayal of his campaign promises and what the movement must do to win migrant justice. The video of this panel is available here.
An interview with six SEA members
by Darrin HoopSeattle Education Association member Darrin Hoop interviews six other members of the union who organized to pass a resolution in solidarity with Palestine.
An interview with Adam Burch
by Paul KDPaul KD interviews Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1005 member Adam Burch about the union and the anti-racist action it took during the uprising in Minneapolis last summer.